N. N. Strakhov, A. A. Fet and A. Schopenhauer: More on understanding religious and philosophical foundations of aesthetics
Strakhov, Fet, Schopenhauer, religion, philosophy, aestheticsAbstract
The article investigates the relationship between philosophical and religious principles of N. Strakhov’s and A. Fet’s aesthetics. Religious foundations of Strakhov’s aesthetic views remain understudied, which makes the reported research relevant. The article explores the relevance of Schopenhauer’s writings for religious, philosophical and aesthetic views of Fet as a philosopher and a poet. Strakhov did not only admire Schopenhauer’s philosophy. It was he who initiated the translation of his major works to Russian. Assisted by Strakhov, Fet translated The World as Will and Representation (1881), On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, and On the Will in Nature (published as a single book in 1886). The analysis of the 1870s-1880s correspondence between Fet and Strakhov provides insights into the authors’ creative process as well as their preferences and identity in relation to Schopenhauer’s philosophy. Fet was close to Strakhov in his aesthetics preferences, while his religious revelations were in line with Tolstoy. In his objections to Fet, amendments to the translations and the Preface to the treatise The World as Will and Representation, Strakhov expressed his understanding of the foundations of philosophy, religion and aesthetics. In this aspect, the article discusses the relationship between religious and philosophical principles in Strakhov’s and Fet’s aesthetics. The study showed that Strakhov’s religious and philosophical concept of aesthetics (unlike that of Fet and Tolstoy) was based on the happy marriage of ethical and aesthetic principles per se.
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