V. G. Belinsky and D. P. Ivanov at the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying Institute


  • Varvara B. Davletbaeva S. T. Aksakov Museum (MIIGAiK)




Konstantinovsky Land Surveying Institute, official activity, career in education, morals and value education, teaching duty


The article examines the contribution of V. G. Belinsky and his successor, relative, schoolmate and friend D. P. Ivanov to the educational process at the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying Institute. The research is based on unpublished archival records of the Land Survey Department and their personal correspondence. These materials reveal the goals that Belinsky and Ivanov, as teachers of Russian, set in surveyor training. The article gives a special focus to Belinsky’s supervisor at the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying Institute—Director S. T. Aksakov. It discusses his track record of achievement as a teacher and administrator, his desire to train well-rounded professionals and humane principles of teacher and student management. The article also investigates the period after Aksakov’s resignation when the Institute was run by Lieutenant Colonel V. I. Lange known for his tyranny towards teachers and students. It also discusses Ivanov’s apprehension about his position and future teaching career. The article contains little known facts about work and life of Belinsky, Ivanov and his family. They contribute to the development of history of Russian literature and the history of the development of the leading Russian Imperial educational institution of surveyor training—the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying Institute. There, Belinsky served as a teacher for about eight months, and his successor and friend Ivanov served for 25 years. Their personal correspondence shows that for many years they were connected not only by family ties, common literary interests, love and respect, but also by the everyday life of the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying Institute that was of interest to both of them.



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