From ancient Russian culture to Literature of Modern Era: Spiritual foundations and complexities of the evolutionary path
culture of ancient Russia, ascetic and humanistic tradition, author, evolution, motif, confession, sermon, new aestheticsAbstract
The article explores how much the development of Russian literature in modern times was encouraged by historical and cultural processes related to the adoption of Christianity in ancient Russia. In particular, it investigates the relationship between ascetic and humanistic ideals in the early stages of the development of culture and how the relationship between secular and spiritual culture evolved in Modern Era. Based on the works of S. S. Averintsev, V. M. Zhivov, and E. M. Vereshchagin the article describes the relationship between Greek literature and Middle Eastern literature as well as between Byzantine culture and Old Russian literature. The writings of Archpriest Avvakum and those produced by the two writers of the first half of the 19th century—G. S. Batenkov and N. V. Gogol—were used as evidence to explore the ‘breaks and cracks’ (expression used by V. M. Zhivov) that accompanied the transition from the culture of ancient Russia to secular culture per se and the ‘golden age’ of Russian literature. Each of the authors faced a spiritual choice that had an equally strong impact on both their personality and creativity resulting in a clash of opposite, almost antagonistic principles that the authors embraced. Avvakum’s identity found itself between the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ faith; Batenkov between Christianity and Freemasonry; Gogol almost between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, or, at least, in between two branches of Christianity.
The paper investigates the motives that were generated by the conflict of spiritual choice and were so much attractive for the 19th century writers. The motives include disconnection from real life, hermithood, wandering and the motif of a dungeon. At the same time, the themes of solitude and wandering, described in patristic writings, are quite accurately reproduced in the literature of the New Age. However, as they are meant for the then readers, the writers were forced to develop a new aesthetics. It becomes manifest in Archpriest Avvakum’s Life written by himself and the works of the 19th century writers who give it a more complex form.
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