The role of the mediator’s personality in effective mediation: Key skills and strategies


  • Mariia V. Zabelina Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



appreciation, cultural mediation, mediator competencies, museum mediation, mediator, participatory practices, facilitator, art-mediation


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of cultural mediation and the role of the mediator in interacting with the museum audience. The author examines the current practical implementations of cultural mediation in the Russian context, focusing on specific projects, platforms, and schools (GES-2 and Garage). The article addresses the issue of the mediator’s responsibilities and proposes a set of competencies which are based on the works of P. Bourdieu, N. Simon, and G. Bulygina, and on the principles of facilitation outlined in the book «Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making» by S. Caner and others (Kaner et al. 2017). The article also distinguishes mediation from other participatory practices within the m useum context. The author concludes that the mediator plays a crucial role in establishing a connection between the audience and the art, and between the museum and the visitor. As a knowledgeable and skilled professional, the mediator effectively communicates complex information about exhibitions and the exhibits to make it accessible and understandable to the audience. The article offers a number of effective techniques to facilitate the challenging and responsible work of the mediator, and to alleviate the complexities associated with the mediator’s role. Overall, the article highlights the potential of mediation in the museum context, emphasizing the ability of mediation to provide contemporary audiences with opportunities to engage with art, experience unique emotions, create their own artistic works, and expand their understanding and appreciation of art.



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