The specifics and significance of architectural graphics in art history research
architectural graphics, scientific illustration, design, art history research, architectureAbstract
The article is devoted to architectural graphics, treating it as the basis of art history research. The author relies on the case of studying the architectural heritage of the Vyatka Province of the 18th–early 20th centuries to analyze the specifics of the practical application of architectural graphics to research problems. The study identifies and analyses the contradictions in the interpretation of the architectural graphics concepts in scientific discourse.
The article seeks to contribute to the study and classification of architectural graphics. The author determines the role of architectural graphics in the process of studying architectural heritage. The research materials include various types of archival documents that have different content, meaning and quality. Most of the materials are architectural graphics of the 18th–early 20th centuries, including drawings, plans, diagrams and design documentation, predominantly from various archives.
Architectural graphics of the period under study significantly complements the source base of art history research. An analysis of design documentation, plans, diagrams and drawings is an integral part of the study of architectural monuments. The said documents provide information on the architectural solution, as well as on the technical and artistic aspects of architecture. An analysis of architectural graphics in conjunction with other sources makes it possible to understand the historical context, the significance of the architectural monument and its stylistic features.
The author maintains that architectural graphics, being a scientific illustration, provides extensive information reflecting various aspects of history and artistic processes. The author further maintains that a study of architectural graphics is a key element in the process of restoring the scientific basis for the reconstruction and preservation of historical and cultural heritage.
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