Historical poetics and poetics of history: From Alexander Veselovsky to Hayden White





literary criticism, history, method, poetics, historical poetics, tropology, analytical turn


The article compares two methods of humanitarian knowledge: the analysis of a phenomenon’s development in time (i. e., history), and reflection on the principles of the verbal or other description of such development (i. e., poetics). The former corresponds to the historical poetics of Alexander Veselovsky (1838–1906), and the latter, to the poetics of history of Hayden White (1928–2018). The article describes the evolution of Veselovsky’s views on the method he proposed, as well as some of the changes that were brought to the understanding of the method by Veselovsky’s successors — in particular, S. S. Averintsev, who added the anthropological dimension to historical poetics. H. White developed the idea that the past is the territory of fantasy, which means that historical writing constitutes, to some extent, artistic creativity. White finds an element of artistic poetics in the process of describing history both at the level of one of the explanatory strategies (explanation through the plot), and at the pre-rational level — i. e., in the ‘prefigurative act’ that precedes the creation of a historical text and is understood by White as a poetic act. The comparison of historical poetics and the poetics of history makes it possible to rethink the role of the artistic principle and artistic language in the process of acquiring scientific knowledge, as well as to see the significance of a person in the methodology of modern humanitarian knowledge.



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