Visual texts of contemporary children’s literature in the context of dialogue with the classics
contemporary literature, children’s literature, visual texts, dialogue with classics, picture book, graphic guideAbstract
Dialogue with the classics is one of the leading trends in modern literature, and literature for children and teenagers is no exception. Making the classics relevant for schoolchildren and motivating school students to read works included in the literature syllabus is an interdisciplinary problem. Today the latest children’s books are becoming a guide to classical literature. Contemporary authors, illustrators and publishers adapt the fictional texts of classical literature for the reader in such a way that the linear text is transformed into a comic book or graphic novel, and is supplemented with illustrations or infographics. This approach to classical texts is a vivid example of creating texts of a new type. The paper analyses the picture book A Child of Books by the Irish author Oliver Jeffers (illustrated by Sam Winston), the graphic guides Eugene Onegin and Woe from Wit by Alexey Oleynikov, and the book Pushkin with Us by Eugenia Dvoskina.
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