The mythological aspect of Altai wedding rituals


  • Elisaveta A. Volkova Ostravská univerzita; The Sociological Institute of the RAS — Branch of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Altai wedding ceremony, mythological aspect, wedding rituals, Altai traditions, ceremony in Altai culture, myths and legends of the Altai people, beliefs, rituals, connection with nature


The article explores the connection between wedding rituals of the Altai people and ancient mythological beliefs of the Altai culture. It examines wedding rituals and traditions, analyzes the symbolic meaning of each stage of the wedding ceremony, and identifies their connection with the main mythological motifs and legends of the Altai culture. The article studies the role of mythological heroes in wedding rituals and draws attention to common motifs present in many wedding traditions of both indigenous Altai people and Russian settlers. The article pays special attention to the socio-cultural context of Altai wedding rituals, and it also attempts to explain how mythological consciousness reflects the peculiarities of the Altai culture. The author establishes the interconnection between wedding rituals, the mythical worldview and the role of individuals in the Altai society. This article is partially based on field research materials and conversations with representatives of ethnographic groups. Several stages of traditional Altai weddings are described in detail, starting from matchmaking and preceding bride kidnapping, and ending with the wedding at the bride’s house. The article specifically stresses the role of parents and other senior relatives in partner selection and marriage agreements. An interesting part of the study is the examination of the difficulties faced by modern Altai people in organizing traditional weddings. Financial problems and the inability to fully provide for all stages of the wedding celebration often lead to the abandonment of certain traditions and the preference for a neutral celebration. Altai traditional weddings serve as the most vivid example of a specific phenomenon known as ‘Altai philosophy’. Altai weddings, as a reflection of the Altai worldview, give special importance in their ritual traditions to harmony with nature and the invisible spiritual world.



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