Paul Celan: Poetic creativity in the light of the philosophy of dialogue


  • Anastasiya K. Golovanova State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Yuliana V. Kaminskaja Independent researcher



Paul Celan, philosophy of dialogue, Martin Buber, Emmanuel Lévinas, German literature, poetic subject, poetology


The concept of the lyrical work as a monologue of the poetic subject originated in the 18th century. However, this established understanding of lyricism proved insufficient for discussions of the 20th century poetry, which reflected the century’s crises and catastrophes that questioned all the foundations of humanity. Accordingly, the traditional anthropomorphic poetic subject that mirrors the outline of a person also began to transform. Scholars are still in the process of transitioning to new models of interpretation that consider a poem as an interaction of poetic voices. Paul Celan (1920–1970) was one of the poets whose poetological ideas contradicted the established definition of lyricism. Celan insisted on the necessity of dialogue and, more broadly, polyphony in a poem: he argued that a poem is directed towards the Other and thus overcomes the totality of monologue. Celan’s reflections on poetry followed the philosophy of dialogue, particularly the works of Martin Buber (1878–1965). Combining the traditions of European philosophy and Judaism, Buber contrasted the idealistic absolute I with a subject that exists solely as part of the relations IIt or IThou. After World War II, the philosophy of dialogue was further developed by Emmanuel Lévinas (1905–1995). According to Lévinas, the fundamental correlation between I and the Other frees the subject from the claim to total domination and preserves the plurality of personalities that do not dissolve under the unifying light of Reason.



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Goltschnigg, D. (2012) Das “Gegenwort” — Georg Büchner [The “Counterword” — Georg Büchner]. In: M. May, P. Goßens, J. Lehmann (eds.). Celan Handbuch. Leben—Werk—Wirkung [Celan manual. Life—Work—Effect]. Stuttgart; Weimer: Verlag J. B. Metzler, pp. 304–308. (In German)

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Joris, P. (2014) Commentary. In: Breathturn into timestead: The collected later poetry: A bilingual edition. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux Publ., pp. 459–628. (In English)

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Keiling, T. (2011) Ort und Zeit im Meridian. Heidegger in Derridas Celan-Interpretation [Place and time in the meridian. Heidegger in Derrida’s interpretation of Celan]. In: D. Espinet (ed.). Schreiben. Dichten. Denken. Zu Heideggers Sprachbegriff [Write. Dense. Think. On Heidegger’s concept of language]. Frankfurt am Main.: Vittorio Klostermann Publ., pp. 177–195. (In German)

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Lévinas, E. (2000) Total’nost’ i beskonechnoe [Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority]. In: Izbrannoe. Total’nost’ I beskonechnoe [Selected Works. Totality and Infinity]. Moscow; Saint Petersburg: Universitetskaya kniga Publ., pp. 66–291. (In Russian)

Lyon, J. K. (1971) Paul Celan and Martin Buber: Poetry as Dialogue. Publications of the Modern Language Associatin of America, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 110–120. (In English)

May, M. (2012) Atemwende [Breathing turn]. In: M. May, P. Goßens, J. Lehmann (eds.). Celan Handbuch. Leben— Werk—Wirkung [Celan manual. Life—Work—Effect]. Stuttgart; Weimer: Verlag J. B. Metzler, pp. 89–98. (In German)

Maslon, S. (2012) Stating the Obvious: Celan—Beckett—Nauman. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego Publ., 123 p. (In English)

Peters, P. (1994) Geschwindigkeiten des Wortes: Tracing Celan’s Metaphor [Speeds of the Word: Tracing Celan’s Metaphor]. Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 127–136. (In German)

Piszczatowski, P. (2016) In den Flüssen nördlich der Zukunft—Nordische Landschaften in Gedichten von Paul Celan [In the rivers north of the future—Nordic landscapes in poems by Paul Celan]. In: M. Tarvas, F. H. Marten, A. Johanning-Radžienė et al. (eds.). Triangulum. Germanistisches Jahrbuch 2015 für Estland, Lettland und Litauen [Triangulum. German Studies Yearbook 2015 for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania]. Vilnius: Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts Press, 606 p. (In German)

Poetry in Transition 2019–2022. (2022) [Online]. Available at: (accessed 07.10.2023). (In English)

Pomerants, G. S. (1995) Vstrechi s Buberom [Encounters with Buber]. In: Dva obraza very [Two Images of Faith]. Moscow: Respublika Publ., pp. 3–14. (In Russian)

Rychlo, P. (2022) Stationen poetischer Entwicklung: Paul Celans Gedichtbände in chronologisch-historischer Folge [Stations of poetic development: Paul Celan’s volumes of poetry in a chronological-historical sequence]. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 131 p. (In German)

Schmid, J. K. (2023) Pharmazeutische Aspekte von Morus alba. Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer Magistra der Pharmazie [Pharmaceutical aspects of Morus alba. Diploma thesis to obtain the academic degree of a master’s degree in pharmacy]. Graz: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Publ., 55 p. (In German)

Schmitzer, U. (2017) Pyramus der Narr — Christus Pyramus. Ovid malt die Sage von Pyramus und Thisbe [Pyramus the Fool—Christ Pyramus. Ovid paints the legend of Pyramus and Thisbe]. Gymnasium, no. 124, pp. 529–560. German)

Seiderer, U. (2002) Körper unter Wasser. Die illegitime Geste der Fiktion—Flussleichen des 20. Jahrhunderts: Georg Heym, Paul Celan, Peter Szondi [Body under water. The Illegitimate Gesture of Fiction—River Corpses of the 20th Century: Georg Heym, Paul Celan, Peter Szondi]. Recherches Germaniques, no. 32, pp. 145–185. (In German)

Stahl, H. (2016) Gedichte schreiben in Zeiten der Umbrüche. Tendenzen der Lyrik seit 1989 in Russland und Deutschland [Writing poems in times of upheaval. Trends in poetry since 1989 in Russia and Germany]. Leipzig: BiblionMedia Publ., 676 p. (In German)

Tucker, B. (2013) Rebuke: From trope to event in Paul Celan’s “Zähle die Mandeln”. The German Quarterly, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 257–274. (In English)

Waldenfels, B. (2004) Levinas and the face of the other. In: S. Critchley, R. Bernasconi (eds.). The Cambridge Companion to Levinas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 63–81. (In English)

Wögerbauer, W. (2017) Anmerkungen zur Stigmatisierung des Privaten in der Celan-Forschung [Comments on the stigmatization of the private sphere in Celan research]. Geschichte der Germanistik. Historische Zeitschrift für die Philologien, no. 51–52, pp. 5–15. (In German)

Yang, Y. (2017) Durch einen Gestuswandel gestaltgewordene Sprache: Celan-Studie mit einer Fokussierung auf den Atemwende-Gedichtband [Language shaped by a change in gesture: Celan study with a focus on the Breath Turn volume of poems]. PhD dissertation (Philosophy). Aachen, Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 225 p. (In German)




