Leningrad artists and their contribution to the development of Novgorod porcelain art


  • Tatiana A. Voropaeva Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve




Krasny Porcelain Factory, Proletarian Factory, Leningrad Porcelain Factory, V. Mukhina Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial College


The history of porcelain enterprises in Novgorod Region is a complex development process consisting of various stages and transformations. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of studies devoted to the art of Soviet porcelain in the second half of the 20th century and the history of porcelain production in various regions of Russia. During this period, the porcelain industry of Novgorod was actively developing, and enterprises were modernizing their equipment to improve the quality of products and their artistic and aesthetic characteristics. The products manufactured by Novgorod enterprises in the second half of the 20th century were sold throughout the country and exported abroad. The training of qualified specialists was one of the key aspects of the development of the Soviet porcelain industry: it ensured the quality of production and contributed to the preservation and development of the traditions of porcelain art. The development of the industry was significantly influenced by masters trained in Leningrad’s educational institutions and artists of the Leningrad Porcelain Factory: V. L. Semenov, L. K. Blak, E. M. Krimmer, A. A. Leporskaya, V. M. Ovsyannikov, F. N. Krokhina, T. A. Gavrilova, A. S. Kruglov, M. V. Andreeva and others. The article analyzes the work of Leningrad artists who made a significant contribution to the art of Novgorod porcelain. The author relies on archival materials, museum and private collections of porcelain, and memoirs of contemporaries to explore the specifics of Leningrad artists’ work. The contribution of Leningrad artists to the development of porcelain art can hardly be overestimated. Their works are still popular and are the pride of collectors.



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