Products of Leningrad art industry factories of the 1950–60s on the modern art market




art industry factories, Soviet mass-produced porcelain, Soviet culture of the 1950–60s, art market, everyday culture


The study is devoted to the artistic items produced by Leningrad art industry factories of the 1950–60s and the place of such items on the modern art market. The temporal distance increases the interest in the items not only for researchers, but also for museums, private collections and the art market. The art market becomes an important mechanism for updating the relevance of such works for the modern culture. It is important to note that the items in question were integrated into the market from the beginning as a result of the consumer demand of Soviet citizens, who purchased mass-produced porcelain items to decorate their homes or as gifts. Art industry enterprises systematically made adjustments and updated their product range to satisfy consumer needs. Today, the products of the Soviet art industry of the 1950–60s are increasingly viewed as an important part of culture and are becoming the subject of interest for collectors. Some items may have a fairly high price and be purchased for museums and private collections. The change in attitude towards the works of the art industry of the 1950–60s has a direct impact on their place on the art market. The author identifies the factors that directly influence the place of the Leningrad art industry items on the modern art market: first, such items were integrated into the everyday life of the Soviet people; second, they were perceived not so much as objects of art, but as objects that can decorate the interior; third, the items were manufactured industrially; and fourth, they were replicable.



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