The leather accessories industry and the fashion industry: The periodical album of the House of Models and the products of Leningrad enterprises of the 1950–60s


  • Yulia E. Malyugina Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



leather accessories, fashion industry of 1950–1960, periodical album of the Leningrad House of Models, products of Leningrad enterprises


The article analyses the leather accessories industry of Leningrad and specifically focuses on women’s bags produced by a number of manufacturers: the artel “Red Cashier” the factory named after A. Bebel, the Komintern factory. The article examines the reference products (women’s bags from 1950 to 1960) and considers their role in mass production and the fashion industry of Leningrad. The author relies on the periodical album of the Leningrad House of Models and the objects of everyday culture of Leningrad from the collection of the 20 Years after the War — Museum of Everyday Culture of Leningrad 1945–1965.



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