Development of the artistic space of a modern children’s printed book
the artistic space of a modern book, formation of a book block, interactivity of a book, illustration layout, a book as a souvenir, intermediality of a bookAbstract
The study explores the development and transformation of the artistic space of children’s printed books in the context of modern visual art. The diversity of ways to form a book block is associated with the evolution of artistic traditions. This includes the creation of a book space, new book formats, and illustrations that enhance the possibilities of game-based dialogues. It is important to identify the stylistic features of the visual language of modern children’s illustrations and analyze the work of artists in the field of children’s books.
The purpose of the reported study is to evaluate the specifics of the artistic space of a modern children’s printed book based on several modern illustrated publications. The article is the first to analyze the work of such Russian illustrators as T. Borisova, A. Desnitskaya, V. Petrovskaya, and I. Oleynikov. This makes the study novel. The analysis is given from a historical perspective. It also involves art criticism. The article is an attempt to describe the variety of artistic methods used by modern illustrators of children’s books. The artists in question are popular among the reader. However, their works are poorly studied from the perspective of historical analysis and art criticism. The article highlights such features of the modern book space as the animated dynamics of visual storytelling, a comic strip layout used for pages containing illustrations, color associations and engagement with modern media and social networks, interactivity, immersiveness and intermediality of the book, and even its transformation into a set of souvenir products (merch). The article explores the development and changes of the artistic space of children’s printed books in the context of contemporary visual art.
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