Happiness, the humanitarian technological revolution and the cultural challenge


  • Georgy G. Malinetsky The Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Tatyana S. Akhromeeva The Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences




important challenges, culturology, humanitarian technological revolution, interdisciplinary approaches, self-organisation, happiness, reflexive processes, synergetics, ideology, mathematical modelling, cultural perspective


In the current paper we offer a research program for the development of cultural studies, based on interdisciplinary approaches and the theory of the humanitarian technological revolution. Culturology faces a number of fundamentally new problems at the current point of bifurcation, where a transition from the industrial to the post-industrial phase of civilization — from the world of machines to the world of people — is taking place. We discuss several major challenges and urgent applied problems, the solutions to which require profound changes in the cultural space. The upcoming “quantitative revolution” in this area, which will enable us to effectively use interdisciplinary approaches in order to solve the problems of forecasting the development of culture and the inner world of people in the long term, is of fundamental importance.

The development of mathematical modelling, even in the field of Humanities, has extended the boundaries of theoretical analysis. It has become possible to set up a “computational experiment” — to reflect the most important, in our opinion, cause-and-effect relationships in the described phenomenon, calculate the model on the computer and compare the results with reality, then refine the model, etc.

Preliminary analysis shows that the proposed model reflects a wide range of life trajectories and also cultural influence upon them. In order for it not to be speculative, we need the combined effort of psychologists, cultural scientists, and mathematicians to check the correctness of the cause-and-effect relationships embedded in the model. This is necessary in order to evaluate the corresponding coefficients.

Global demographic models suggest that the time for extensive growth of humanity is over. Now the time has come for “vertical progress”. The contribution of cultural studies to where the progress might lead us could be crucial.



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