Musical culture of a provincial city through the lens of artistic urbanism. On the problem statement


  • Vera I. Yudina Orel State Institute of Culture



musical culture, artistic urban theory, capital, provincial city, central-peripheral relations, provincial music centre, folklore tradition


The article is devoted to the issues of a provincial city musical culture, which are considered in the aspect of modern urban studies. The author puts forward the idea of positioning artistic urbanism as a special research area which can enable a researcher to contemplate the various phenomena of artistic creativity in urban culture. Urban art is an important typological, sociological, morphological and cultural feature of urban culture. In general, the object of urban studies is spatial arts — architecture, design, applied and decorative arts, and landscape art. The musical existence of a city sets a new vector for this research area and takes it beyond the sphere of visual analysis into the field of temporal arts. In various Russian regions, extensive collections of musical and local history materials have been accumulated and may now become the subject of artistic urbanism. Such analysis enables the researcher to identify the general trends of the urban musical environment evolution in the past and the present, to trace the development patterns of artistic life in the Russian province as a whole, and to complement the history of Russian music on a national scale. In this article special attention is devoted to the analysis methodology which is based on the “capital — province” dichotomy. The author identifies the factors that determine the specificity of musical culture for provincial Russian cities that may differ in their historical, social and cultural status. Among such factors special meaning is assigned to the spatial-geographical criterion which traditionally defines the musical culture originality of various provincial cities. The article also addresses the phenomenon of “a provincial music centre” — a novel factor in the musical life of modern Russia. Such “centres” stand out against the background of the bulk of the “minor province” cities, whose musical life is based on traditional forms of artistic practice.



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