Competences of a culturologist: Possibilities and limits of application
culturologist, professional standard, supraprofessional competencies, transdisciplinarity, expertise, project activities, management, marketingAbstract
There are three stages of self-determination of cultural science as a scientific and educational discipline. At the first stage, culturology was considered as a general education discipline “for everyone”, on the one hand, and “fundamental” science for culturologists, on the other hand. At the second stage it was instrumentalized in the form of not only “knowledge”, but also “skills”. At the third stage, in connection with the requirements of the federal standard (the relationship between professional competencies and relevant professional standards), cultural studies are trying to gain a certain professional status. The main characteristics of the modern professional market in Russia and in the world are a high degree of uncertainty, the obsolescence of certain professions and the emergence of new ones. We can say that culturology is looking for its place in the context of a “profession without vacancies”. Career guidance resources and practicing culturologists emphasize erudition and a wide range of possible jobs as advantages of culturological education; disadvantages include the absence of a specific area of application and low salaries. In the academic environment, the role of a culturologist as an expert and manager is under debate, however, these claims are generally poorly supported by real practice. In modern conditions, culturology needs the development of “supraprofessional” competencies that allow moving between sectors. According to employers and graduate culturologists, these competences include broad erudition, the adaptability of research tools, and quick learning — these are the advantages of a culturologist in the labor market as a result of the “transdisciplinarity” of education. However, on the part of employers, regardless of the industry, there is a request for competencies in the field of project activity, management and marketing.
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