The cultural studies: A profession, a habit and a lifestyle


  • Liudmila A. Yakusheva Vologda State University



cultural studies, cultural research, culturology, Vologda text, provincial culture


Culturology: is this a science or a lifestyle, a phenomenology or a discourse? The author of this article takes a role of a distant observer and considers cultural studies as an intellectual process with its own features, tasks and a range of issues. The author shares the paradoxical view of V. M. Rosin who realized the meaning of this science after writing a book on this discipline. The article focuses on the main aspects of cultural studies and the scope of capabilities of cultural scientists. The article explains the selection of materials and texts that distinguish a culturologist from literary critics, historians, journalists, and other liberal arts professionals who deal with cultural phenomena. The article also explains the methodology used in the study and sets out the framework for cultural studies.

The analysis of the “Vologda text” allowed to identify the structure of the description of a provincial cultural landscape. The article focuses on some potential cultural projects as well as the brands officially used as a marker of the Vologda region, such as “The Russian North’s Soul”, the homeland of the Father Frost, Vologda’s butter and lace. Special attention is given to the personalistic view on the culturologist as a reflecting, responsive and creative actor. The city is presented as a set of persons and their fates, contemporary and past myths, real stories and their interpretations. Thus, we see the most important principles for the researchers of the “modern age of outcomes”, i. e. attention to the figures and the background, the text and the context.

In practice, culturologists implement these principals through the use of Internet and blogging. The author insists that today, in the age of concise and pithy texts, the top priority of a culturologist is to analyze cultural projects and respond to the challenges of our time. This is the only way one can become a true culturologist.

The article focuses on those who teach the basics of cultural studies and face the challenge of explaining a range of issues in cultural studies as an educational subject to those who are making their first steps in this field.



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