Profession of a culturologist in terms of the “Foundations of the state cultural policy”


  • Larisa K. Kruglova Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and River Fleet



state cultural policy, cultural expertise, harmoniously developed personality, culturologist, anthropological principle in cultural studies, management of cultural institutions and organizations, human potential of tourism, cultural expert councils


The state cultural policy in Russia is defined by the “Foundations of the state cultural policy”, approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 24 December 2014, and “Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period until 2030” approved by the decree of the Russian Government, 20 February 2016 No. 326-р. In light of these documents, which define culture as a factor of national security, the profession of a culturologist is gaining momentum. In this respect, there are two areas where the contribution of culturologists is of value: working towards the goals and objectives of the state cultural policy and expert evaluation of the results of this work. The first direction dictates the demand for culturologists in many areas of socio-cultural life, high among them, as it seems, is education, management of cultural institutions, and tourism. The second direction implies the need to establish expert councils at different levels for the evaluation of educational standards and curricula, various socio-cultural projects, the content of TV and radio programmes and other cultural products for their compliance with the goals and objectives of the state cultural policy. This and other types of expert work can be performed most productively only by expert culturologists. The author of the article suggests discussing the possibility of taking a number of practical measures, the implementation of which can positively affect national culture and, accordingly, raise the profile and demand for professional cultural scientists. These measure include making the discipline “cultural studies” compulsory in the state standards of higher education; developing the criteria for evaluating the performance of the education system such as compliance or noncompliance with the goals and objectives of the state cultural policy; appointing heads of cultural institutions, clubs and houses of culture from a pool of applicants with a relevant degree in cultural studies; introducing the position of a cultural expert for travel companies and agencies, clubs, houses and palaces of culture, parks of culture and rest. The author considers that the stated challenges may be resolved only if cultural studies embrace the human-centered dimension of culture. This indicates the need to develop a culturological theory based on anthropological principles.



Распоряжение Правительства Российской Федерации от 29 февраля 2016 г. № 326-р о «Стратегии государственной культурной политики на период до 2030 года». (2016) [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения 29.11.2019).

Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 24 декабря 2014 г. № 808 «Об утверждении Основ государственной культурной политики». (2014) [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения 29.11.2019).


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Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federatsii ot 29 fevralya 2016 g. № 326-r o “Strategii gosudarstvennoj kul’turnoj politiki na period do 2030 goda” [Order of the Government of the Russian Federation 29 February 2016 No. 326-r “On the strategy of the state cultural policy for the period up to 2030”]. (2016) [Online]. Available at: (accessed 29.11.2019). (In Russian)

Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federatsii ot 24 dekabrya 2014 g. № 808 “Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoj kul’turnoj politiki” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 24 December 2014 No. 808 “On approving the Foundations of the state cultural policy”]. (2014) [Online]. Available at: (accessed 29.11.2019). (In Russian)


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