Features of transmission and perception of cultural and communicative space of Mordovian folk medicine
cultural and communicative space, material culture, spiritual culture, cultural transformation, cultural code, folk medicine, Mordvins, mentality, languageAbstract
The author introduces the concept of “cultural and communicative space of folk medicine” based on the cultural practices of the Mordovian ethnic group. The structure of the cultural and communicative space includes folk knowledge and skills, communication skills (verbal and non-verbal), a number of cultural symbols and codes that contribute to the effective transmission and interpretation of information to preserve life and health of the ethnic community. The article analyzes the influence of ethnopsycholinguistic features of people on the translation, perception and preservation of information in the area under study. Knowledge is translated through the components of material and spiritual culture, which are semiotically loaded in accordance with the ideological foundations of the Mordvins. Material culture (housing, food, household utensils and clothing) is considered as an analog communication, where the elements are analyzed in terms of their semiotic content as a message. Spiritual culture in the context of the study is considered as a system of knowledge and beliefs. It influences the perception and interpretation of cultural codes of ethnomedicine. The author also regards terminology and folklore texts (in this case, Mordovian folk tales and incantations) as part of spiritual culture. The author concludes that in the cultural and communicative space of traditional medicine of the Mordvins, the differentiation of the role of material and spiritual culture is difficult due to the inseparable connection of their semantic meanings. The article analyzes: 1) the transformations of the cultural and communicative space of traditional medicine of the Mordvins that occurred under the influence of intercultural communication (interaction with neighboring ethnic groups); 2) popularization of traditional medicine through mass media; 3) special literature on ethnomedicine; 4) digital technologies as an information channel for the acquisition and popularization of cultural knowledge. Finally, the author concludes that modern sources of information and qualitative changes in material and spiritual culture in the direction of unification in accordance with modern socio-economic trends lead to the transformation of the cultural and communicative space of folk medicine.
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