Genesis of the educational space


  • Elena D. Dmitrieva Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



space, architecture, educational buildings, schools, education institutions, classrooms, rooms


This article is an attempt to understand the characteristic features and genesis of the educational space in the history of human culture. I conclude that this space originates from the open areas and structures and other areas designated for various purposes in a traditional society. In different periods, it (the space) bore the imprint of religious (mainly in the Middle Ages) or palatial (largely in modernity) architecture, preserving a special sacredness, while in the 20th century it became the embodiment of typical mass construction and gained the additional meaning of a “second home”. Initially, educational practices were confined to small school, of which a permanent facility was not a fundamental attribute. Then that subsequently grew into communities and boarding schools. It was the need to provide accommodation that necessitated separate buildings. True educational architecture, including the idea of independent buildings for educational institutions, was shaped by higher education, and then propagated towards elementary education. First, higher education institutions gained independent buildings, then the secondary schools. Only recently did this trend reach preschool institutions. The understanding that educational institutions require dedicated buildings gained recognition in modern times and led to the spread of a unique type of large educational institutions. Educational architecture as an independent industry developed in the 19th century with the spread of single-class rural and monumental and highly decorated urban schools. Educational buildings generally followed the classroom layout; despite certain experiments with other layouts this one prevailed as it better fits the division of students into groups and lesson-based learning. Over time, special classrooms, laboratories, workshops, athletic and cultural spaces, and areas adjoining to the institutions were developed. Greater importance was given to health and safety. In the second half of the 20th century, there was a transition from monumental to simple functional educational buildings, tailored, to accommodating students throughout the day, ensuring effective education, and placing schools in walking distance from student’s homes. Subsequently, more attention was given to design for safety, comfort, and facilitating student’s interests.



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