Digital tools to foster the development of communication competencies in media education
media education, communications, communicative competencies, digital technologies, digital transformation of societyAbstract
The article discusses the main functions of a professional involved in information processing. In particular, it focuses on journalists as well as PR and advertising officers whose job evolves around information processing as part and parcel of ongoing digital transformation of society. The article argues for the replacement of humans with machine tools for certain tasks of information processing. It also shows those functional roles where, in the near future, the replacement is impossible. Creative human labor is becoming more routine in the field of analysis and transmission of information. This trend is reflected in educational practices used to train industry professionals. In particular, the trend manifests itself at the faculties of media education as a set of competencies seen as an outcome of higher education. It is shown that in digital society cognition is based on the assimilation of numerous sources of information. In particular, the systems of image and sound recognition as well as the recognition of their dynamic changes will gradually be able to support humans in data collection and information analysis. However, digital (machine) assistants will fail to replace humans in some of the key functions. This encourages us to focus professional training on competencies that are complex and human-centered in nature. For example, only a human author can create an interesting text, an attractive picture, a viral clip, etc. In particular, we need to pay more attention to the two key specific communicative competencies: first, the ability to make value judgments, set goals and determine the hierarchy in multi-criteria models; second, the competency and commitment to transfer knowledge and share vision to involve new users (listeners, viewers, readers, followers) in communication networks through the use of digital technologies.
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