“Post-material” discourse in digital society: Transformation for values as the basis of a new philosophy of education
cognitive capitalism, post-material values, human capital, VUCA strategy, Education 3.0, the idea of the post-material, knowledge, expertise, digital societyAbstract
The paper analyses the prerequisites for the transformation of the idea of post-material in digital society as the basis for a new paradigm in philosophy of education. The analysis of educational and value transformations is carried out in view of the correlation between formal and informal epistemological systems as well axiological constructs based on them. In other words, the analysis compares the correlation between values and power. Post-materialism brings to the fore cognitive issues facing modern humanities and opens a new frontier in the study of subjectivity in digital society. The “value revolution early in the 21st century a dramatic impact on the worldview of young people: the former “material” values of adaptation and security were replaced by post-material values of self-realization, self-development, environmental issues, and care of oneself. This opened up new vistas and meanings of human life, social initiative, creativity creative thinking. These transformations set in motion the tectonic plates of the changing social and educational paradigms. In this sense, post-material values go beyond materialism and non-materialism, representing neither of them and creating a fundamentally new typology of understanding labour, motivation and self-actualisation. The most important category to evaluate a human in a supra-informational society is mindfulness: post-material values are viewed as an imaginative capital that looks into the future, creates new types of social relations and orms a new philosophy of Education 3.0. It is concluded that VUCA is the system that best responds to the demands of present day and the changes occurring in the debate on the post-material.
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