Current Issue

Proofreader M. S. Ogurenkova
Editor of the English text I. A. Nagovitsyna
Corrector M. L. Kurakina
Cover design by O. V. Rudneva
Layout by D. V. Romanova
Full Issue
Editorial Articles
General description of the periodical
Title: Zhurnal integrativnykh issledovanij kul’tury
Alternative title: Journal of Integrative Cultural Studies
Mass Media Registration Certificate EL No. FS 77 - 74249, issued by Roskomnadzor on 9 November 2018
ISSN (online): 2687-1262
Frequency of publication: 4 issues per year
Languages: Russian, English, German, French
Subject: semiotics of culture, intercultural communication, dialogics of culture, axiology of culture, hermeneutics of culture, history of the historical-cultural types, philosophy of culture, culturological education
Review type: double-blind peer-review
There is no publication fee for an article review and its publishing
Number of articles: 9–15 articles per issue
Distribution form: online publishing
Distribution principle: open-access journal
Distribution territory: Russian Federation, other countries
Established in: 2018
Founder, publisher: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Founder’s (publisher’s) address: 48 Moika Emb, St Petersburg, 191186, Russia
- Russian Index of Science Citation
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
- Online scientific library "CyberLeninka"
- NTC Information Registry
Archiving: Scientific Electronic Library
The journal’s main sections
- Semiotics of culture
- Intercultural communication
- Dialogics of culture
- Axiology of culture
- Hermeneutics of culture
- Historical typology of culture
- Philosophy of culture
- Culturological education
Approximate publication timeline (2025)
- Compilation: before 20 January / 7 April / 7 July / 6 October
- Pre-press: before 24 February / 19 May / 11 August / 17 November
- Publication (on-line): before 17 March / 9 June / 1 September / 8 December
- Indexation: before 24 March / 16 June / 8 September / 15 December