Networking in digital communication for the social initiatives’ regulation in the context of mobilization economy


  • Nadezhda N. Pokrovskaia Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia; Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”; 3 Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University; 4 Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
  • Feng Wei North-West A&F University



regulative mechanisms, regulation, networking, web society, sociocultural regulatory institutions, communications, citizen initiatives


The development of digital technologies for building social interactions and the networking as a new norm of the communication space form new field for sociological analysis. The paper shows the research questions to socio-cultural regulation and proposes a number of research objects that are relevant during the transition from the single global system to multiple regional spaces of regulation and social civil initiative.

The contradiction between the declared freedom of information and the revealed facts of censorship determines the relevance of the research of the practices in social media and mass media, through the removal of links and search requests on digital platforms, blocking private accounts if their position differs from the government.

The paper investigates practices of double standards on case studies of mutual dependencies and support of Republicans, or pressure and censoring information on the Internet (the official profiles of Russian information agencies, such as RBC channel, or authorities, e.g. Russian Ministry of Defense) as the influence of digital corporations.

The role of citizens’ initiatives as an independent activity relates to the self-regulation of network communications is illustrated by a number of examples of social networks and volunteer activities. The research on network communication forms from the standpoint of their use for sociocultural regulation is relevant.



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