Binding curses as a tool for classical Athens’ religious culture reconstruction




binding curses, antiquity, religion, magic, polis


The article focuses on epigraphic records united in a group of ‘binding curses’ in the context of reconstruction of the Classical Athenian polis’ religious culture. The practice of creating such texts (mainly on lead media) took place in the entire area of the ancient world since the end of the 6th century BC. Binding curses (κατάδεσμοι, defixiones) are traditionally classified as marginal magical practices. However, the ritual of creating curse tablets and the text of the curse often reflect peculiarities of the creator’s religious consciousness. This article considers binding curses as a tool for reconstructing the religious culture of Athens of the 5th–4th centuries BC. The written accounts used in the study include the inscriptions published in the very first edition by Richard Wünsch (Defixionum tabellae Atticae) and a fragment of the Greek Magical Papyri published by Karl Preisendanz. Much attention is paid to analysis of the details of the Athenian city-state’s public life. The article relies on the texts of classical period authors to trace the process of separation of magic and superstition and the process of magic becoming marginal. The article then uses material from epigraphic, archaeological and literary sources to examine the features of binding curses practice that are indicative of the specifics of the Athenian polis citizen’s religious consciousness. In particular, the author considers the features of vocabulary and syntax of the curses, the methods of producing the tables, materials, and rituals themselves. In conclusion, the author stresses the value of katadesmoi as a source for the study of poorly documented spiritual practices of the 5th and 4th centuries BC.

The paper is interdisciplinary in nature.



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