Non-standard formats of modern children’s books: Evidence from the books on the IBBY Honour List


  • Polina A. Toropchina St. Petersburg Special Central Children’s Library named after Alexander Pushkin



IBBY Honour list, IBBY, leporello, silent book, book design


The article examines the unconventional leporello book format (an accordion book). The evidence is taken from the IBBY Honour List collection housed at the St. Petersburg Special Central Children’s Library named after Alexander Pushkin. The IBBY Honour List, managed by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), features exceptional works by writers, illustrators, and translators from the national sections of IBBY. This collection provides an extensive overview of contemporary children’s literature, offering insights into global trends and developments. This exclusive collection in Russia captivates both professionals (writers, translators, illustrators, publishers) and children’s book enthusiasts alike.

Examples of leporello books from the IBBY Honour List collection include La Rumeur de Venise (The Venice Rumour) by Germano Zullo and Albertine (IBBY Honour List 2010, category ‘Illustration’, Switzerland), Em Pinóquio: o livro das pequenas verdades (Pinocchio: The Book of Little Truths) by Alexandre Rampazo (IBBY Honour List 2022, category ‘Illustration’, Brazil), and Debajo de hoy (Beyond Today) by Sozapato (IBBY Honour List 2020, category ‘Illustration’, Ecuador).

Leporello books (accordion books) are of considerable interest to both children and adults. Known since the 18th century, this format allows for the creation of a continuous visual narrative, which makes it really effective for panoramic scenes and sequential actions. Leporello books encourage interactive engagement, develop motor skills and coordination in children, and stimulate imagination and creativity.

The article highlights the significance of leporello book formats in contemporary book publishing, their educational and aesthetic potential, and the importance of the IBBY Honour List collection as a research material for studying the development of children’s and adolescent literature.



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