Classics of integrative cultural studies: Coming to the fore, reception, and development
history of culturology, history of ideas, E. S. Markaryan, M. S. Kagan, interdisciplinarity, integrativity, isomorphism, isofunctionality, invariants of sociocultural and biological types of organizationAbstract
The article explains the necessity and relevance of the new section of the journal titled the Classics of Integrative Cultural Studies.
The first publications to appear in the new section are those by Eduard S. Markaryan (1929–2011) and Moisei S. Kagan (1921–2006) — the two outstanding scientists and like–minded people who made a significant contribution to the development of Russian culturology, are the first to be published in this section. The section «Classics» offered to readers. To mark the 95th anniversary of the birth of E. S. Markaryan, the new section opens with his paper ‘The role of invariants of sociocultural and biological types of organization in the convergence of social and natural sciences’ (1977). This is followed by M. S. Kagan’s ‘Nature, society, the man, and culture in the system of being’ (1980). Importantly, both texts were carefully prepared before sending them to print. The publications are based on the authorized lifetime editions of these works borrowed from A. V. Bondarev’s personal collection. The editorial staff took into account the handwritten notes, edits and clarifications contained in the originals. The journal analyses the key ideas in E. S. Markarian’s and M. S. Kagan’s texts. It also describes their reception and further development.
The conclusion is that the publications have retained their relevance and hold significant heuristic potential. An in-depth study and careful re-reading of the Classics of Integrative Cultural Studies will definitely provide eye-opening findings. We hope that the new journal section will also set a clear benchmark and become a sort of a ‘tuning fork’ for prospective contributors — contemporary researchers with the focus on integrativity in sciences of culture.
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