The role of invariants of sociocultural and biological types of organization in the convergence of social and natural sciences (1977)


  • Eduard S. Markaryan Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia



history of culturology, history of ideas, E. S. Markaryan, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, integrativity, isomorphism and isofunctionality


The new section of the Journal — Classics of Integrative Cultural Studies — opens with the work of Eduard S. Markaryan (1929–2011). It focuses on the identification and study of invariants of sociocultural and biological types of organization. It also attempts to establish inter-scientific and intra-scientific theoretical integrators in order to bring together social and natural sciences (1977). Eduard S. Markaryan is one of the founders of Russian culturology. This publication marks the 95th anniversary of his birth.

In the 1960s and 1970s, E. S. Markaryan initiated innovative systemic studies of self-organization of people’s social life and culture as its driver. He proposed a systemic function-based definition of culture as a universal, super-biologically developed method (tool) of human activity. It is culture that encourages, facilitates, programs and implements human activity. It is also responsible for the reproduction and transformation of various patterns of human activity developed over the course of our existence.

A special scientific value of E. S. Markaryan’s paper lies in the proposed invariants and the principles of isomorphism and isofunctionalism inherent in the biological and sociocultural types of organization. These principles express fundamental general patterns which drive the evolution of all living systems and ensure their negentropy and adaptation. These patterns manifest themselves as programs that are mandatory for the existence of any living system. These programs pass on the consolidated experience of previous generations and the corresponding selection and adaptation mechanisms. These patterns, despite all possible qualitative differences, determine a certain similarity between the mechanisms of natural selection (in their purely biological meaning) and cultural tradition.

According to E. S. Markaryan, a qualitatively new type of integrative knowledge about nature, social life, humanity and culture is an imperative of human survival and development.



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