The necessity of cultural education: Current state and prospects
culture, cultural studies, trends, education system, upbringing, worldview, labor marketAbstract
The article explores the reasons for the crisis of cultural studies and the possibilities of overcoming this crisis in the context of the emerging post-industrial society. In particular, it is emphasized that the so-called perestroika and the first post-perestroika decade became the “golden age” in the development of cultural studies. It is suggested that the need for worldview-based disciplines that form a person’s need for a holistic, systemic vision of phenomena and processes arises in periods characterized by irrationality and transition. When culture approves the idea of order, attempts to generalize and synthesize ideas about the world are replaced by a narrow trend which exaggerates the role of scientific and technological progress to the detriment of humanization of society and culture. This is the dangerous trend we are facing now. Therefore, the profession of a culturologist has lost its profile in public consciousness. Meanwhile, the experience of the 20th century shows that a narrow, limited, positivist consciousness of people can lead to global catastrophes. It is suggested that in the foreseeable future the attitude towards cultural science may change due to the formation of a post-industrial society, in which the breadth and heuristic of judgments, the ability to think strategically and build a dialogue between different spheres as well as developing awareness of the specifics of culture will be of value. All these abilities may now be found in people who have a cultural education. It is argued that educational, linguistic, sightseeing, hotel, museum, library and other fields may benefit from hiring a cultural expert. The hope is expressed that with the transition to the post-industrial phase, the attitude towards the humanities and cultural studies in particular will inevitably change for the better.
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