Visualization of education: From books to videos
visualization of education, visual image, creativity, visual communication, self-identification, hermeneutic approachAbstract
Visualization of modern education is part of the information revolution with its transition from traditional book culture to visual culture. In the information society, the key tool of generating, systematising, storing and translating knowledge is a visual image that has a range of advantages over the traditional verbal image. The development of new media — photography, cinema, television, and video — promotes the dissemination of complex polysemantic images. These texts require special knowledge and skills to be properly decoded and interpreted.
Early during the development of information society in the 60–80s, the semiotic and hermeneutic approaches based on the philosophy of language were an adequate way of mastering visual images. In the 90s, digital media created visual images that do not represent reality, but, rather, present it directly. This technique has been, since then, the main tool for constructing reality. The visualization of social space is perceived as a cultural transformation: the “culture of signification” gives way to the “culture of presence”. The images of the latter are getting more dynamic and have a continuous impact on the person. Thus, visual images of media reality are an effective way of a person’s self-identification in a complex multidimensional social space.
A shift in the understanding of the visual image and its cognitive possibilities fosters further development of philosophical methodology giving rise to more granular methods of research, including research in education studies. One of the modern philosophical methodologies of today is phenomenological hermeneutics. It reveals the projective possibilities of the visual image and its connection with the subject of perception in modern digital age with visual images as the structural principle of culture.
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